FamaArt 2024 – Design, color and modernity


From 4 to 6 October 2024 we were present at FamaArt 2024, one of the most important events dedicated to operators in the sector, and a unique opportunity to get in touch with the main players in the frame, accessories and production machinery market.

On the occasion of this lively display of creativity we shook hundreds of hands, creating or renewing business connections, and showed our frame mouldings to the public present, allowing potential new customers to experience their workmanship and quality first-hand.

The fair recorded, as always, an excellent volume of visitors from all over the world. The people who visited the exhibitors’ stands, with great curiosity towards the products on display, permeated the atmosphere with a feeling of optimism and positivity towards the future.

The production offer on display in this edition of the fair focused on contemporary interpretations which have seen the emergence of a new, sober, elegant classic style with clean lines, which decides to rely on another important artistic element: colour. We have in fact witnessed a great return of colours, even in the brightest and most fluorescent shades.

Experimenting with new styles and new finishes to evoke new suggestions was the watchword of the products on display, a trend which Imex also aligned with with fresh, contemporary proposals, in line with the spirit and needs of the time. And above all, capable of getting everyone to agree, from the historic market giants to the new players in the framing sector.

The event was also enriched by several conferences with young artists who gave their important point of view on contemporary art and the multiple languages ​​it is embracing.

Here you can view the catalog of frame mouldings that we displayed at the fair, a sampler of the most recent productions that we have designed to satisfy new market trends.

Participating in an event like FamaArt is not only a pleasure, but it is also a great opportunity to expand your working horizons. Here is a gallery of the most salient moments of this recent edition.