Our industry:
a world in constant evolution.
MDF: a versatile, stable and eco-friendly wood derivative
MDF, or Medium Density Fiberboard, is a wood-derived material widely used in the furniture, wall [...]
PMI DAY Day 2 – Imex visits three classes in Serina and Costa Serina
Every year PMI Day, organized by Confindustria Bergamo in collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese Bergamo and [...]
IMEX: an SME that puts productivity back on track
Mauro Ghidini, founder and president of IMEX, tells how the company reacted to the effects [...]
PMI Day 2024 in Imex: “Building” with local students
On Tuesday 10 December 2024, the appointment was held with the young people of one [...]
PMI DAY 2024 – Building awareness
The PMI Day, organized by Confindustria Bergamo in collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese Bergamo and Confagricoltura [...]
Imex at LegnoLive! with high school students
“LegnoLive! Discovering Wood Technology” is the initiative created by the Wood Group of Confindustria Bergamo, [...]
Imex at LegnoLive 2024 with a speech by Giulia Ghidini
The second edition of LegnoLive! will be held on Friday 15 November 2024, an event [...]
FamaArt 2024 – Design, color and modernity
From 4 to 6 October 2024 we were present at FamaArt 2024, one of the [...]
Shaped frames: through the centuries, beyond styles.
Shaped frames, a bit of history. The shaped frame is the model that has been [...]
IMEX frame mouldings on display at FamaArt 2024
From Friday 4 to Sunday 6 October 2024 Imex will attend to FamaArt, an event [...]
Open frames, the essentiality of the frame
The evolution of the frame The history of the frame has seen significant evolution over [...]
Industriamoci Award – A great victory for the area
Confagricoltura Bergamo, Confartigianato Imprese Bergamo, Police Headquarters, Accademia Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and Vigili del [...]
The use of pattern in the world of framing
In the vast and creative panorama of art and design, frames play a crucial role [...]
Frame mouldings for shadow box fames
Shadow box frames differ from other types because they are created to frame canvases and [...]
Wood, the sustainable material par excellence
In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of our daily choices, wood emerges [...]
Color, a fundamental element in our homes, and in our lives
In the vast panorama of design and home furnishings, colors play a leading role, shaping [...]
Frame mouldings in lime wood
The intense scent of the lime tree in the evening is an ecstatic rapture that [...]
PMI Day 2023, Imex welcomes kids and celebrates freedom
Like every year, the PMI Day organized by Confindustria Bergamo in collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese [...]
Imex at LegnoLive! with the young people of the territory
The 24th of November, more than 200 students from the Professional Training Center of the [...]
Pine wood frame mouldings
Here is the forest of ancient times. The whispering pines and the great firs [...]
Oak frame mouldings
“In every little imperfection the experience of a tree, its history, its charm” A.S. Wood [...]
A reality linked to the territory
Where does our interest in protecting the environment and our territory come from? From the [...]
ISI-Inail 2021 call for the safety of our work spaces
We recently participated in a tender announced by Inail for the removal of asbestos from [...]
Frame mouldings in Ayous wood
Who worked in the sector for years knows it: working with wood means not only [...]
A new moulder for our framing rods
We are specialized in the production of frame mouldings and other wood products; we offer high [...]
Skill Mismatch and Talent Retention: comparing young generations and companies
In recent years, companies and young people have been facing a crucial problem: the skill [...]
5 reasons why FSC® certification is important
The FSC® certification is a specific international recognition for the forestry sector and for wood [...]
Frame moulding finishes, an expression of contemporaneity
“The frame is, for the artwork, a transitional element. At times it is an entrance [...]
i.mes, a new tool for production control
Active in the wholesale production of frame moulding since 1975, Imex has always been sensitive [...]
Frame mouldings, production and sales
For 65 years IMEX has been producing frame rods for both the national and international market; [...]
New boilers for our production spaces
To ensure maximum yield and lower energy impact of our production plant of frame mouldings [...]
PMI DAY 2022 – The aftermovie
The visit of the young students of the local schools in our production plant, after [...]
PMI DAY 2022, Mauro Ghidini introduces the frame
A day of confrontation, dialogue and exchange between the younger generations and the business world, [...]
PMI DAY 2022, the beauty of being together again
“The Beauty of Italian Know-How”: the theme of this year’s PMI DAY has been, for [...]
PMI DAY 2022 goes live again: IMEX welcomes a local class
After the necessary stop to live activities imposed by the pandemic, PMI DAY, organized every [...]
PMI DAY 2021 sustainability is the key
For over 11 years PMI Day by Confindustria Bergamo has been organizing various orientation initiatives [...]
IMEX and Art2Night: press release
IMEX took part in the eighth edition of Art2Night, the White Night of Art which, [...]
Art2Night seen through the participant’s touch
The eighth edition of Art2Night, the “art fest” that animated Bergamo and its territory with [...]
IMEX takes part in the eighth edition of Art2night
On 18 September 2021 was held the eighth edition of Art2night, the “white night of [...]
PMI DAY 2020: a virtual connection between school and industry
For several years, in this period, IMEX has taken part at the PMI DAY organized [...]
IMEX: an SME that put productivity back on track
auro Ghidini, founder and president of IMEX, tells how the company reacted to the effects [...]
The recovery of the wood industry
"This emergency will make us reach even further in the search for quality.” Mauro Ghidini, [...]
IMEX, the emergency and the phase 2
The ongoing Covid-19 emergency has radically changed the way we live our everyday life and [...]
PMI DAY 2019: IMEX opens its doors to the students of local schools
PMI DAY-INDUSTRIAMOCI is an initiative that, since 2010, brings together local authorities, the media and the [...]
“Ritratti” – The Virtual Tour of the exhibition
For all those who didn’t have the opportunity to visit the exhibition, we created a [...]
IMEX lands at the Venice Film Festival: Press Review
On the occasion of the 76th Venice International Film Festival, IMEX actively participated in the [...]
“Ritratti”: the inauguration of the exhibition and IMEX’s role
On the occasion of the 76th Venice International Film Festival, La Biennale di Venezia chose [...]
Work in progress. ‘Ritratti’: the preparation of the artworks.
Recently, IMEX has been selected to bring added value to the photo exhibition called “RITRATTI [...]
The Biennale di Venezia chooses IMEX frames
On the occasion of the 76th Venice International Film Festival, the Biennale di Venezia, in [...]
60 years in the frame mouldings business
"Imex turns 60; in 2018 the company reaches this important goal, achieved thanks to a [...]
First creative contest: “The frame today”
Manifesto: "With this contest, we want to to reaffirm the strength, the sensitivity and the [...]
PMI DAY: The company opens the doors to the schools
On November 20th, the third year classes of the secondary school of San Pellegrino Terme [...]
Mickey 90 – The Art of a Dream
IMEX celebrates and sponsors the 90 years of Mickey Mouse in Italy, framing some of [...]
New product: Tiraposter
We have added Tiraposter to the range of our products, a wall hooking system that [...]
IMEX and the world of toons: the partnership goes on
IMEX's commitment to the local cultural events continues with the participation to the exhibition that took [...]
The ‘Origami’ frame has been disclosed to the public
The "La Straordinaria Quotidianità del Legno" exhibition, that was held in the Palazzo della Regione [...]
IMEX turns 60… and celebrates!
On Friday 12thof October, IMEX celebrated its first 60 years in the frame mouldings businesswith [...]
Generational changes and new technologies for IMEX
Mauro Ghidini, president of IMEX, talks about the company management’s generational shift to his daughters, [...]
Mauro Ghidini, president of IMEX, examines the evolutions of our industry.
Mauro Ghidini, owner of our company and president of the Wood group of Confindustria Bergamo, [...]
IMEX: a registered trademark; a value brand.
For decades we have been producing wooden frame mouldings, and our company stands out for [...]
IMEX back to Las Vegas for the West Coast Art & Frame Expo
IMEX confirms its presence at the West Coast Art & Frame Expo also for next [...]
Diabolika Mano: IMEX sponsorship goes on
After the success of the Bergamo Toons event, IMEX continues to give it’s support to [...]
November 28: the PMI DAY in our headquarters
On November 28th, our headquarters hosted the eighth edition of the PMI DAY, an important [...]
A market-oriented corporate meeting
The theme of IMEX’s second business meeting, that wad held the past 21st of November, [...]
“Il Legno dalla Natura alle Cose”: 34 companies face to face with wood
This year, IMEX has assured its presence at the event "Il legno dalla Natura alle [...]
IMEX performs at BergamoTOONS 2017
From June 22 to 24, the city of Bergamo will become theatre of an important [...]
Great success in Bologna for Famaart 2017
In the beginning of March, IMEX participated at the Famaart of Bologna, the European reference [...]
Next appointment on the calendar: the FamaArt fair in Bologna
It is with great satisfaction and anticipation that we announce the participation of our company [...]
Report from the WCAF Show in Las Vegas
It is a pleasure to announce that our company has recently participated, from the 23rd [...]
November 8, 2016 : the opportunity we were looking for to pursue a new direction.
On November 8 of 2016 was held the first IMEX staff meeting, which brought together [...]
In contact. Always.
We’ve set up a newsletter to keep you informed on all the big goings-on at [...]
New website!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our new website, www.imex.it. This [...]